Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. It offers high performance, flexibility, and a wide range of data structures. This guide provides an in-depth look into Redis commands, data structures, and features to help you utilize its full potential.
1. Getting Started with Redis
- Linux: Use the package manager (e.g.,
sudo apt install redis
orsudo yum install redis
). - Windows: Download the precompiled binaries from the Redis official site.
- Docker: Run
docker pull redis
and start the container.
Start the Redis server with redis-server
and connect using the redis-cli
command-line tool.
2. Redis Commands by Data Type
2.1 Strings
Strings are the simplest data type in Redis. Each key stores a single value.
How strings are stored:
A string in Redis can hold any type of data, including text, binary, or serialized objects. It is stored as a dynamic string that resizes itself based on the stored value. Redis uses efficient memory allocation techniques to minimize space usage.
SET: Stores a value associated with a key.
SET key value
SET name "Ajay"
SET with expiration: Stores a value with a time-to-live (TTL) in seconds.
SET key value EX seconds
SET name "Ajay" EX 10
(The key
will expire after 10 seconds.) -
GET: Retrieves the value of a key.
GET key
GET name
DEL: Deletes a key and its value.
DEL key
DEL name
2.2 Hashes
Hashes are used to store multiple field-value pairs under a single key. Internally, Redis uses a hash table to manage these fields efficiently.
How Hashes Are Stored:
Hashes are represented as a hash table or a ziplist, depending on the size and number of fields. For small hashes, Redis uses a ziplist to save memory. For larger hashes, it switches to a hash table for faster lookups.
HSET: Sets a field-value pair in a hash.
HSET key field value
HSET user name "Ajay" HSET user age "27"
HGET: Retrieves the value of a specific field in a hash.
HGET key field
HGET user name
HGETALL: Retrieves all field-value pairs in a hash.
HDEL: Deletes a specific field in a hash.
HDEL key field
HDEL user name
Example of Hash Storage:
+------------------+ +--------------------+
| Redis Key | | Hash Key-Value |
|------------------| |--------------------|
| user | ---> | name: "Ajay" |
| | | age: "27" |
+------------------+ +--------------------+
2.3 Lists
Lists are ordered collections of strings. Internally, Redis stores lists as either a linked list or a compressed list (ziplist), depending on their size. For small lists, Redis uses ziplists to save memory, while larger lists are stored as linked lists for better performance.
Performance Characteristics:
- LPUSH/RPUSH: Both operations have O(1) complexity since they involve adding elements to the head or tail of the list.
- LPOP/RPOP: Similarly, removing elements from the head or tail also has O(1) complexity.
- LINDEX: Retrieving an element by index has O(N) complexity as it may require traversal of the list.
- LRANGE: Fetching a range of elements has O(S+N) complexity, where S is the starting point and N is the number of elements fetched.
LPUSH: Inserts a value at the head of a list.
LPUSH key value
LPUSH tasks "Task1"
RPUSH: Inserts a value at the tail of a list.
RPUSH key value
RPUSH tasks "Task2"
LPOP: Removes and returns the first element.
LPOP key
LPOP tasks
RPOP: Removes and returns the last element.
RPOP key
RPOP tasks
LINDEX: Retrieves an element by index.
LINDEX key index
LINDEX tasks 0
LRANGE: Retrieves a range of elements.
LRANGE key start stop
LRANGE tasks 0 -1
2.4 Pub/Sub Messaging
Redis provides Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) messaging to facilitate real-time communication between multiple clients. This model allows one or more clients (subscribers) to listen to specific channels and receive messages sent by publishers.
How Pub/Sub Works
- Channels: A channel is a named medium through which messages are transmitted. Subscribers listen to specific channels, and publishers send messages to these channels.
- Message Delivery: When a message is published to a channel, Redis immediately delivers it to all clients subscribed to that channel. There is no storage of messages; they are delivered in real-time.
- Multiple Channels: A subscriber can subscribe to multiple channels simultaneously. Each channel operates independently, allowing efficient segmentation of messages.
- SUBSCRIBE: Subscribes to one or more channels.
SUBSCRIBE news sports
- PUBLISH: Publishes a message to a channel.
PUBLISH news "Breaking news!"
- UNSUBSCRIBE: Unsubscribes from one or more channels.
Example with Multiple Channels:
Suppose there are two channels: news
and sports
. A subscriber can listen to both channels, and publishers can send different messages to each.
Subscriber Example:
const subscriber = new Redis();
subscriber.subscribe("news", "sports");
subscriber.on("message", (channel, message) => {
console.log(`Received message: '${message}' from channel: '${channel}'`);
Publisher Example:
const publisher = new Redis();
await publisher.publish("news", "Breaking News: Redis 7.0 released!");
await publisher.publish("sports", "Live Update: Team A wins the championship!");
Received message: 'Breaking News: Redis 7.0 released!' from channel: 'news'
Received message: 'Live Update: Team A wins the championship!' from channel: 'sports'
Use Cases:
- Real-time chat applications.
- Notifications and alerts.
- Live updates for dashboards or feeds.
This lightweight messaging system is highly efficient for real-time communication scenarios but does not store messages for later delivery.
SUBSCRIBE: Subscribes to a channel.
PUBLISH: Publishes a message to a channel.
PUBLISH news "Breaking news!"
UNSUBSCRIBE: Unsubscribes from a channel.
3. Advanced Features
3.1 Transactions
Transactions in Redis allow you to execute multiple commands atomically using the following commands:
- MULTI: Begins a transaction.
- EXEC: Executes all queued commands.
- DISCARD: Cancels the transaction.
SET name "Ajay"
SET age 27
3.2 Persistence
Redis supports persistence by saving data to disk.
- Snapshotting (RDB): Saves the dataset periodically.
- Append-Only File (AOF): Logs every write operation.
Configure these in the redis.conf
4. Use Cases
- Caching: Store frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
- Session Storage: Manage user sessions in web applications.
- Real-Time Analytics: Process and analyze live data streams.
- Pub/Sub Messaging: Build real-time chat applications.
5. Best Practices
- Key Naming: Use a consistent naming convention (e.g.,
). - Set Expirations: Always set expiration for cache keys.
- Avoid Heavy Keys: Use smaller values to prevent memory bloat.
- Monitor Performance: Use commands like
6. Example in TypeScript
To interact with Redis in TypeScript, you can use the ioredis
npm install ioredis
Example in TypeScript with ioredis package
import Redis from "ioredis";
// Initialize Redis client
const redis = new Redis();
(async () => {
// Working with Strings
await redis.set("name", "Ajay", "EX", 10); // Set with expiration
const name = await redis.get("name");
console.log("Name:", name);
// Working with Hashes
await redis.hset("user", "name", "Ajay");
await redis.hset("user", "age", "27");
const userName = await redis.hget("user", "name");
console.log("User Name:", userName);
const userDetails = await redis.hgetall("user");
console.log("User Details:", userDetails);
// Working with Lists
await redis.lpush("tasks", "Task1");
await redis.rpush("tasks", "Task2");
const tasks = await redis.lrange("tasks", 0, -1);
console.log("Tasks:", tasks);
// Pub/Sub Example
const subscriber = new Redis();
const publisher = new Redis();
subscriber.on("message", (channel, message) => {
console.log(`Received message from ${channel}: ${message}`);
publisher.publish("news", "Breaking news!");